More healing for my once-fatherless heart happened in the car on my way home today. Bob Hamp writes in Think Differently, Live Differently, "...the story is about the Fathering heart of God restoring the hearts of His sons and daughters. Without doing a thing, becoming who you are can change … [Read more...]
“THAT NUMBER” Does Not Define Me
My weight does not define me. My weight does not even begin to describe me. It's a number. That is all. #251. There it is. That number is not what I weigh today, and I hope to never see that number on the scale again. In the meantime, while I continue the journey of making peace with … [Read more...]
Think Differently Live Differently
I love to read, and don’t read fiction very often. So it’s normally non-fiction (the “self-help” kind) that I read, usually with a pen or highlighter in hand, and so I leave my mark on those books. The good ones also leave their mark on me. “Think Differently Live Differently” by Bob Hamp is no … [Read more...]
Father and Daughter
Once again, I am undone by Him. This morning I was feeling “resistant” in my relationship with God, and I acknowledged that in my devotional time. This had been something that was an ongoing thing, and there was a “spiritual dryness” that I’ve known well in the past and was facing once … [Read more...]
I am not normal. That's as good an introduction as you're gonna get, and the people who know and love me best will tell you it's the truth. There's hundreds of stories I could tell you, but I'll just start by telling you what happened this week instead. (My girlfriends could tell you stories, … [Read more...]