[Note: For those that read my blog regularly, this isn't quite the departure from the subject matter you are used to that it appears to be...keep reading for the usual fare you have come to expect from me.] If you ARE a regular flosser... ***fist bump!*** If you are NOT a regular flosser, … [Read more...]
Jen Hatmaker Knows Who I Am!!! (sort of)
This week I started a ruckus on Jen Hatmaker's Twitter feed with ONE TWEET and a HASHTAG. The tweet was about her forthcoming book, "For The Love - Fighting For Grace in a World of Impossible Standards," which is set for release on Aug 18, 2015. You can pre-order at B&N, Books-a-Million, … [Read more...]
Bless The Teachers
God bless the teachers, one and all, today and everyday. I definitely went to school to soak up love and acceptance from my teachers. I always worked extra hard to please them and was crushed if I felt their least disapproval. I loved every single one of my teachers, but I absolutely adored my … [Read more...]
The Purpose of Pain / Walking in Freedom
It seems ironic that God would use some physical pain I was experiencing to teach me about WALKING IN FREEDOM, but that is exactly what He did yesterday. Here is what I wrote in my personal journal: "Body, soul, and spirit are designed to experience pain as a signal that gets me to act … [Read more...]
Coming Out of My Hiding Place
It happened again. "The Overwhelm" "The Paralyses" "Frozen in Fear" "A Hot Mess" (This is another blog all by itself....coming soon) Whatever you call it, it is a real thing. It's what happens to me when life comes at me fast, like a tornado that leaves a path of destruction in it's wake … [Read more...]
Enough is Enough
I feel like a time waster deluxe. This feeling causes me to feel a lot of inner stress, which causes me to do things that allow Denial to start running the show in my head so that I can relive the inner stress, which as you know wastes even more time. Steven Pressfield in his book The War of Art … [Read more...]